Should I Promote High Ticket MOBE Products Directly?

MOBE Products : When you promote high ticket products, commissions are high. With the MOBE License Rights, you can make $1,250 in commission. From just one sale. This is a very enticing amount, and it can be tempting to offer such products directly as your front end offers, but is there any downside to that?

‘Buy at First Sight’ Are Rare
People rarely buy a product they only just came into contact with. They need more information on it. Even after they have done their research, they like to test it out, and they are not going to spend a lot of money testing out a product or a seller. So, if your front end offer is a $2000 product, people might back out after reading your sales pitch, even if they are really interested in that product.
Starting off with a low ticket front end offer gives you an opportunity to build a relationship with your prospects. People can get to experience the quality of MOBE products through the $49 21-step HTAM program, which is not a big expense and many people will be willing to pay to try out. They also get to experience your customer service, and if you provide them quality service, they will trust you enough to upscale with you.

It’s Done for You
Selling high ticket products is not easy. That is why MOBE experts with lots of experience in making sales will do all this for you. You are going to have an easier time convincing a prospect to buy a $49 product than a product worth a couple of thousands of dollars. Then, when you have them as a lead, the MOBE sales team will contact them and promote high end products to them, and you make you back end commission when they buy. 

Offering high ticket MOBE products as front end offers will make your work a little more difficult, and it may take a lot more time before you get leads who actually buy, hence you will take longer to earn.  You have a better chance of getting leads with low ticket front end offers, and let the MOBE experts earn the back-end commissions for you.

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